Adult Education
St. Thomas sponsors multiple adult education programs, sometimes on Sundays at 9:00 am between services or during weekdays.
Also, after our Wednesday evening Healing Service & Potluck, besides the excellent food, there is occasionally an open discussion on various topics led by Fr. Wayne. Anyone is welcome, and all encouraged to speak up as they like or just sit back and listen.
Check here, Facebook, or Coming Events on the main page for current and future scheduled adult education events.
Ladies’ Bible Study
Ladies’ Bible Study meets Mondays at 3:00pm in the Large Classroom. The group chooses a book or topic to discuss for several meetings.
Past Courses
Past courses include:
- 40 Days in the Word
- Middle East from Biblical Times to Today, including Scripture, Theology, and Politics
- Discussions of Christian apologist author C.S. Lewis
- Cursillo
- The History of the Nicene Creed