Readers and Chalicers

Chalicers, who vest for services and are part of the processions, assist in distributing the wine during communion, and serve as needed at the altar. Chalicers will receive training before serving.

Readers, who prepare in advance, read assigned passages from Scripture during worship services. All can sign up as a Reader – no special training is required.

Lay Eucharistic Ministers

Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEM) are volunteers who take communion to the homebound or hospitalized who cannot attend Sunday services.  LEMs receive extensive training through the diocese and are required to attend a training event once annually, unless the LEM has served over 20 years. LEMs are licensed by the diocese.


Acolytes assist the celebrant (the clergy in charge of a service) and enhance the service to help glorify God. It includes altar service, candle-lighters, torch-bearers, crucifers (carrying the cross), and banner-bearers. This role can be served by congregation youth. Some training is required and provided by the clergy.